We Need God


Having everything, but God becomes everything

Coming late, but God is on time, taking us the way.

Our Lord is steps ahead of us; we are led.

We need God, He is our salvation and inheritance.

We need God more than our fears

We need God more than our problems

We need God more than our failures

We need God more than our past

We need God more than our aspirations

We need God more than our strategies

We need God more than our thoughts

We need God more than our projections

We need God more than our ideas

We need God more than our talents

We need God more than our creations

We need God more than our inventions

We need God more than our blessings

We need God more than our belongings

We need God more than our positions

We need God more than our visions

We need Jesus, We need our Lord.

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14″Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it”.

Isaiah 58:14 (KJV)

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